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The Effectiveness Of Hydroquinone Cream In Australia For Hyperpigmentation

The Effectiveness Of Hydroquinone Cream In Australia For Hyperpigmentation

Hyperpigmentation is one of the common skin conditions in which your skin patches become darker in colour than the rest of the surrounding skin. The darkening happens when the excess of melanin forms deposits in the skin. Melanin is the natural pigment that gives your skin, hair and eyes their colour. Many factors can lead to an increase in melanin production. One of the common reasons is sun exposure, ageing, hormonal influences, skin injuries or inflammation. 

There are various types of treatment for hyperpigmentation, depending on the severity of the condition.

One of the effective and non-invasive ways of treatment is hydroquinone cream in Australia. The cream helps in fading the pigmentation, age spots and brown skin blemishes from the skin. Hydroquinone is considered an effective source of fighting pigmentation.

It has been observed that many Australian women face skin pigmentation due to one or other reason. The pigmentation is not just confined to their face but also hands and arms. The hydroquinone cream can help in fading this type of pigmentation from the skin. Age spots, freckles and brown skin blemishes happen when excessive pigmentation leads to irregular brown marks on the skin, especially on hands, face, back and arms. 

You can buy hydroquinone cream from over-the-counter pharmacy stores. It would take some time to show results, and hence patience is a virtue! You must use the cream as directed. Hydroquinone is considered the gold standard in pigmentation fading as it stops the formation of excess melanin at the source. 

About hydroquinone


Hydroquinone is used for hyperpigmentation disorders. By using a pigmentation blocker such as hydroquinone, you can ensure that dark spot formation is interrupted in the new skin cells being formed. It is easy to source hydroquinone in Australia. It is easily available over the counter in pharmacies. You need to get it from the pharmacy as it is considered as medicine with clinical effects. Thus, you need special labelling.

It has been observed that hydroquinone has been prescribed by dermatologists as well. It is to be known that higher concentrations of hydroquinone are not always better. Also, starting at a lower dose is always better. This way, you can witness the results on your skin before taking serious prescription face cream. 

Will it work for your skin tone?


It is suitable for all types of skin tones. When used correctly, topical hydroquinone is completely safe on your skin. Also, it is only meant for spot treatment and not overall skin, as it may lighten the rest of the skin. You should never use it to lighten your overall complexion. Use it for at least 6 weeks to see any significant results. Once you notice the fading, you should use the cream only for maintenance. 

There are chances of you experiencing some side effects like irritation, redness, itching, stinging or inflammation for the first few applications. You can avoid any potential side effects by following the instructions in the leaflet that comes with the cream. Also, buying the cream from a reputed brand can help. 

Including hydroquinone in your skincare regimen

One of the first things to be done is the application of sunscreen at least twice a day. A good sunscreen is one that can be used daily and should have a high SPF for optimum protection. For Australians, it is better to look for a sunscreen with at least 30+ SPF; the higher, the better!

Hyperpigmentation is caused due to excessive sun exposure. So, skipping your sunscreen will only make your battle with hyperpigmentation worse. Hydroquinone can be easily included in your skincare routine. However, you must always perform the patch test on the arms before applying any new product elsewhere. 

Once you have cleaned the skin, the hydroquinone cream can be applied before applying other serums and creams. Look for hydroquinone cream with salicylic acid as it helps the hydroquinone penetrate into the skin. You can begin by applying the cream once a day at night. Apply with a cotton bud for precision. Thereon you can increase the application to 2-3 times a day. 

For people with sensitive skin, using the cream once in 2 days might work better. Results might take longer, but it is better than irritating your skin. Mild irritation is normal as the skin adjusts to any new treatment. However, severe irritation suggests that it might not suit you. 

Hydroquinone cream in Australia is an effective solution for hyperpigmentation, but it is better to consult your dermatologist before trying anything new for hyperpigmentation treatment. 

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John Plunketts SuperfadeJohn Plunketts Superfade
Joined: January 4th, 2021
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