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The Most Pervasive Problems in keyboard key

The most popular webcam around for the past couple of years.

The quality, the movie picture This thing

Throws out is simply mad.

So much so that many movie creators have been

Applying this webcam to make video content

Over using an actual camera.

Which is this one, that's the update from the C920.

But is it worth the upgrade?

In this video we'll take a look at the two webcams,

And I will run through all You'll Need to know

If you're considering purchasing or upgrading.

So I'm starting off with the pricing.

So there is not a massive difference between the two.

So when you're looking at the two cameras side-by-side,

You'll see there isn't a lot visually different

They've replaced the blue lights

The front of the C920 with darker yellow lights,

So they don't stand out as much.

Much bigger now on the C922.

Both of these cameras have a fantastic

In a Variety of ways or on different size monitors

really easily.

They also both have a standard tripod thread at the bottom,

So that you could mount them directly to the tripod.

And included with the C922 is a miniature tripod

Nevertheless, the new C922 also supports

That is really designed for players

And for livestreaming while gaming.

Now while Logitech does now have on Mac

Logitech camera control software to give you

For this video, the two webcams are set to buy.

The Logitech camera settings app

will work with both cameras,

And they will provide you things like manual focus,

The ability to lockdown Whether It's capturing

For flicker reduction, along with your regular settings

Like brightness, contrast,

Colour intensity and white balance.

Something Logitech does really well with its webcams

Is to deliver you a great image straight after

Plugging the camera in,

And it is no different with these two.

You can see the picture quality on the both of them is superb.

Now looking at the two images side-by-side,

The Logitech C922 is slightly brighter.

We now examine the autofocus did seem

Slightly more responsive and more precise using the C922,

But these two work pretty good.

Now while These two webcams will let you record

At 1080P 30 frames per second using applications

Like Quicktime on Mac, which is what we're doing in the moment,

The Logitech C920 will not allow you to make calls

They'll be limited to 720P, at least on Mac.

With the Logitech C920 in 1080P 30 frames per second,

at 1080P both on Mac and on PC,

Using programs like Skype.

Another new feature that comes with this Logitech C922

Is background removal, and it uses applications,

Or additional virtual laptop webcam, called Personify.

But when I say unfortunately

It's probably not too much of a loss,

Because in our evaluations and a heap of other movies

I've seen online, it does not really work that well.

Loads of the time it ends up masking out your hands

Or any hand motion.

The edges of your face and your hair look terrible.

And it really does not work well at all

If your head is not facing straight at the camera.

So my proposal, then, no matter

Which one of those webcams you are using

And whether you're using Mac or PC,

If you want background removal, use a green screen

Does look pretty good.

It's lost quite a bit of detail and its a softer image,

But the 60 frames per second works as it should

And pushes through a significantly smoother video picture.

This is the Logitech C922 at 720P at 60 frames per second.

So while you won't see the 60 frames per second

In motion or action in this video because it's

You will see the quality loss.

You will see not just the quality decrease

Due to the resolution change,

'cause we were at 1080, now we're at 720,

However you will notice the quality loss from the detail.

It almost looks like the attractiveness mode,

Or the selfie way on Samsung smartphones,

Where it softens the details

In order to make you look more beautiful.

However, as a small webcam app putting 720P 60 frames per second

It does a pretty good job.

Here is what the sound sounds like between the two.

And this is the Logitech C922.

seven, eight, nine, ten.

So you can see there's not a Big Difference

So with this shot here I have actually got

Two softbox lights that are light me up.

Let's see how the webcams go when I turn off those lights.

So you can see today the Logitech C922

Has a slightly brighter image,

At least at the darker regions of the shot.

So which one should you get and is it worth the upgrade?

Well, straight out, if you want

60 frames per second at 720P,

Then it is a no-brainer to go the C922.

Possibly the biggest advantage the C922 has

On the C920 so far as I am concerned

Is your 1080P video calling.

So using programs or programs like Skype

and having that ability to make calls in 1080P.

I do like the marginally faster and more accurate

Autofocus on the Logitech C922 also.

If You're just looking for a decent camera

To record 1080P 30 frames per second videos

Directly to your personal computer,

Then they are going to be much of a muchness.

So there is the side-by-side comparison

of the Logitech C920 and the Logitech C922 webcams.

If you are interested in finding out how you can get

Great results recording your Skype calls,

Then check out the movie that is connected on the screen now.

See you soon.

About This Author

Joined: December 27th, 2020
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