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7 Major Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana.

Many Peoples are Buying Cannabis In Canada for Health Benefit. 

1. Help with insomnia

Insomnia can be caused by many different reasons. Fortunately, cannabis can help by working on the source. If you're tired all day long and want to take a nap or sleep at night, Sativa strains can help you maintain your energy and restore your sleep cycle. Indica strains may be good for those who are struggling to settle down before going to bed. Indica strains induce a peaceful state that helps people with insomnia to relax and stay asleep. Cannabinol (CBN) has a sedative effect and can also significantly improve sleep habits.

2. Helps lose appetite

Hunger is important because it irritates our body, but many people who suffer from chronic pain, HIV, and cancer have no appetite due to medication, physical condition, or pain. Drugs used to treat illness and pain can raise levels of the appetite suppressant leptin, leaving patients uninterested in food. Marijuana helps restore appetite with THC, which blocks the production of leptin when introduced into the body. Marijuana also helps cancer patients manage the side effects of chemotherapy that cause nausea and pain.

3. Fight cancer

According to the American Association for Cancer Research, the combination of pure THC and pure CBD, combined with radiation therapy, dramatically reduces tumor volume. AACR states that taking these cannabinoids together can produce a better response to radiation therapy. Cannabinoids are also known to suppress the growth of invasive cancers and neutralize tumor development.

4. MS pain relief

Multiple sclerosis can cause a lot of pain, cognitive impairment, and inflammation. Doctors can treat these symptoms with cannabis to relieve pain and inflammation and improve concentration. THC and CBD bind to receptors in the brain and block the transmission of pain signals. CBD acts on multiple receptor systems to protect against unwanted symptoms and has anti-inflammatory properties.

5. Prevent Alzheimer's disease

A 2014 study found that THC was a treatment option for Alzheimer's disease. The amyloid protein, the main cause of Alzheimer's disease, delayed production in response to low doses of THC. In 2006, a study on the prevention of Alzheimer's disease found compelling evidence that THC prevented the production of the enzyme that causes the disease.

Relieve arthritis

There are many forms of arthritis, but they all have similar underlying problems such as pain and swelling. Marijuana is known to easily relieve pain and reduce systemic inflammation. CBD can be applied topically to the area of ​​arthritis to relieve inflammation and pain without harmful side effects.

7. PTSD treatment

In the United States, marijuana is approved for the treatment of PTSD. Many veterans suffering from PTSD can find relief in the form of cannabis. Cannabis properties regulate the systems that cause anxiety, anxiety, and nightmares. In 2009, researchers tested patients with synthetic cannabinoids and found that nightmares, daytime flashbacks, and night sweats intensity were significantly reduced. Cannabis has also been shown to improve sleep time and quality in people with PTSD.

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Joined: February 3rd, 2021
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