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How legal regulation of cannabis can benefit

Mail order marijuana is very important for medical health benefits.

The cannabis referendum is approaching rapidly, with 48% of New Zealanders supporting its legalization according to a new poll, but many still have an established understanding of the bill and what it proposes.

A recent poll released by the Helen Clark Foundation and the New Zealand Drug Foundation found that 48% of 1,128 participants over the age of 18 were in favor of legalizing cannabis and 43% were against it.

At the AM show on Wednesday, Ross Bell, CEO of the NZ Drug Foundation, said there were still a large number of undecided voters and that the outcome of the referendum would ultimately fall into their hands.

In September, voters will be asked the following question: Do you support the cannabis legalization and control law? It's pretty easy, but as AMShow presenter Duncan Garner points out, it's easy to imagine that quite a few kiwis don't read their bills before going to the polls.

Bell said the lack of public information was a problem in the preparatory stage of the referendum, but said that more educational and informative material was available. On Tuesday, the Prime Minister's chief scientific adviser, Juliet Gerrard, released a report investigating evidence of health-related and social harm that could be caused by the legalization of cannabis.

She states that it is important for undecided voters to read the legislation and these additional reports and make informed decisions.

"Once these undecided voters understand the bill, many now think that legalization is free for everyone, but when they learn about the very strong regulations contained in the bill, rather I support it. Amendment of the law. "

Benefits of legalizing cannabis
Bell admits that smoking cannabis has "no health benefits," but admits that "the safest drug use is no drug use," but legislation is for young people and drug use. Claims to reduce the harm associated with.

First, the bill proposes that you must be at least 20 years old to own or buy marijuana, making it illegal for teens to use drugs.

If a person under the age of 20 is involved in cannabis, he or she may be fined or sentenced to participate in a drug education program. One of the key elements of the bill is to reduce the harm to people and communities associated with cannabis and to ensure that the response to legal violations is fair.

The bill also aims to eradicate the illegal supply of cannabis and improve access to family and Farnau health and social services.

The law also proposes to redistribute cannabis taxation to harm reduction, health and drug education programs-a benefit that has a positive impact on difficult young people.

"If we are worried about young New Zealanders, we are much more likely to reduce their harm under legislation. The bill inherently incorporates a decriminalization element.

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Joined: February 3rd, 2021
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