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Things a would-be-mother should know about painless delivery

Pregnancy is the happiest and beautiful period in a woman’s life. Every woman has to undergo this labor pain. They know that the labor and delivery are going to be very painful. Giving birth is the hardest, biggest and toughest workout of your life. However, now because of the advancement in the technology, one of the best things you can do is to opt for the painless delivery. Nowadays, you will find that painless delivery is available at every hospital.  It is also known as epidural. This is the most useful option for those women who do not want to feel the pain. It is called as a powerful pain reliever. However, before going for this method every woman should be aware of the certain facts of painless delivery. She should know whether it is safe or not, its advantages and disadvantages.

Know Epidural

In the procedure of epidural delivery, a small injection is placed injected in the lower back, through which an epidural plastic catheter is passed. Ultimately the drugs are injected through the catheter to settle the labor pain. Local anesthetics are used in the form of these drugs which produces numbed nerves that are responsible for carrying the sensation of pain without hampering the mobility. Nowadays these drugs are widely used and are perfectly safe for the babies. You feel painless contractions during childbirth after the active epidural is pushed in.


  • Helps in bringing down the high blood pressure
  • Delivery doesn’t last for a longer time
  • Prevents pelvic muscles from getting damaged
  • It works best for those women who are already a heart patient
  • If necessary, a cesarean section is possible by injecting anesthetics through the same catheter.


  • Sometimes it may cause shivering, backache and dizziness
  • Pushing ability is decreased because of the pelvic floor relaxation
  • Creates a numbness
  • Blood pressure gets down abruptly

Know who all the good candidates for an epidural are-

  • The ones who are suffering from conditions such as - preeclampsia, hypertension and heart conditions.
  • In difficult labor period where prolonged waiting is detained, then an epidural anesthesia can be helpful to both the mother and child.

Also know who are not eligible for having epidural-

  • Those who are facing some bleeding problems and has low platelets
  • Facing some neurological disorders
  • Having undergone lower back surgery in past
  • Those who are taking medicines like warfarin, clopidogrel and heparin as these can affect blood clotting
  • Skin infection at lower back

So, if you are thinking about going for this delivery option, then you should be aware of all these facts. You should also know how much it will cost. Before taking up, do the comparison between normal and painless delivery. Know the differences and act accordingly. However, women who are interested shouldn’t think much about its risks since in it is absolutely safe today. To know more about this you can get in touch with your gynecologist or any of the trusted hospitals.

About This Author

Shaheen ShaikhShaheen Shaikh
Joined: April 29th, 2018
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