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Advantages of Using AAC Blocks

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is light in weight, force bearing, excellent thermal insulation, and a highly durable product available in a wide range of shape and size, and strength. AAC blocks absorbent, reusable, non-harmful, and recyclable moreover.

AAC Blocks is an excellent and popular building material because of their super warmth, fire, and sound obstruction; AAC blocks are lightweight and offer extreme usefulness, adaptability, and durability. Its main composition is sand, water, quicklime, concrete, and gypsum. The compound reaction because of the aluminum glue gives AAC its unmistakable permeable design, gentility, and protection properties, totally extraordinary contrasted with other lightweight solid materials. The essential point of picking this material by AAC block supplier in Noida over other brands is only the component it holds inside itself.

As the increasing demand for developing housing projects in Noida, a couple of AAC blocks suppliers in Delhi, to keep up item quality, charge a couple of extra simply because of transportation charges. Nonetheless, it is lightweight; however, some measure of assurance is continually being dealt with to save it from other few outer restraints.


KON_CRETE slight bed mortar is a uniquely planned glue to fix AAC blocks. It is an explicitly proportioned mix of excellent crude materials, for example, reviewed stream sand, concrete, water-driven lime, and some presentation upgrading cordial climate polymers. Ready made mortaris produced in a complex industrial in Noida, set up under tough quality controls to give excellent bonding strength, higher solidness, and reliable connection between blocks.


1. Lightweight: AAC Blocks are four times lighter than customized red bricks; subsequently, more reasonable and less expensive to move. Its lightweight/cell properties make it simple to cut, shave, and shape, acknowledge nails and screws promptly, permit it to be directed to make pursues electrical channels, and more modest breadth plumbing runs. This gives it to plan and development adaptability and the capacity to make simple changes in the field.

2. Eco friendly: It's produced by mixing recyclable industrial waste and non-toxic products. Which helps in prevents from air and water pollution.

3. Fire resistant: AC blocks are non-flammable and heatproof up to 1500 degrees Celsius. These squares are fireproof for around 3 to 7 hours, relies upon the thickness of the Wall.

4. Cost saving: The necessity for mortar on AAC blocks is less because of the squares' surface exactness. Thus it makes it cost-effective by 2.5 %. 

Since it requires less jointing subsequently limits the requirement for concrete and steel. AAC block has high protection properties, which help in saving energy costs by practically upto35%.

If you are looking for the AAC Block manufacturers in Noida, Delhi and surrounding areas, call Ashtech Buildpro at  +91-7088108005 or visit:

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Ashtech Buildpro India Pvt. LtdAshtech Buildpro India Pvt. Ltd
Joined: October 11th, 2020
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