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Co Sprawdzić W Hajfie, Czyli Zwiedzanie Hajfy Na Piechotę - Izrael. - Spakowana Walizka

They were the result of an experiment that went wrong. The experiment was the Guardian races had allowed in the fallen angelic collectives and what is called bio-regenisis which is regeneration of their DNA template so they could evolve to get their Christos potential back. We are here to restore those Christos frequencies that were removed from our planet. Turn a collective of people into one person and then having this person marry that person-when in fact, they were actually talking about Race Lines of people. Most people are asleep. Those who do light work correctly because they have the genetic codings of the Angelic Human and the Indigo Races are assisting in running the Christic frequencies back into the planet in order to open the Star Gates. We have had our light switch turned off. The fallen angelics have taken these star gates and blocked them with metatronic radiation that would reverse them and spin away from source fields.

Scalar Grid mechanics is the substance god creates with. They circulate the energy of god through the templates. The type of energy we carry will depend on how much we know about our anatomy. We will become easy pray for those living in the D4 astral plane. If we participate in this activation cycle consciously by knowing it is happening, we can become the new Christic race, reborn on Earth once more. There was a stellar activation 25,000 years ago when the frequencies almost reactivated shortly. We all have the ability to carry those frequencies in our bodies. The fallen angels have never fully agreed to work with the guardians for our recovery of our Christic Template. Certain groups of the fallen races agreed to be a part of the emerald covenant. Unfortunately, the hybrid race worked well and it blended well with the angelic human template, but, certain groups of them motivated by their fallen angelic kin from other places decided to take over our planet.

The land that was fought over contained star gates on this planet and portals that go with them. We are the only ones with the genetic codings that can open the star gates. Angelic Humans are the keepers of the Star Gates. But, things have happened to the scalar templates on this planet over the 25,500 years so that the planet could not run 12 D frequencies, which made it very vulnerable to infiltration from lower angelic kingdoms. This makes the people and the planet very vulnerable because there are things here we don’t see unless we use our inner eyes. They might be using your fields for something that you don’t ever know they are using you for. We use frequency shields created from Cosmic and Source fields to protect us. When we use sound and light technology combining the frequency signature and code or symbol of the kwestia to be manifest, we collect frequencies by oscillating consciousness into the domains or the dimensions of Christic and Cosmic and Source and then bringing those tones of transformation into our templates - our physical spiritual bodies. They had an In to Earth once they got into human light bodies, and progressively they raided the human races and mutated our DNA to the point where we have nothing left of our memory of who we really are.

If we don’t know that we have chakras that have a scalar template, and we don’t know about auric levels and how to keep them clear we are not going to know what więc do with ourselves. They don’t remember the agreements they chose to be a part of. They don’t remember the Atlantian times. They don’t know what forces are moving them or moving with them or moving through them. Roman mythology contains known history of Atlantis that has to do with Metatron, Lumarian planets in Wesedrek Matrix. sprawdzian were based on truths that were taking place in Atlantis. We were denied this info since Atlantis when a few people came in and took what didn’t belong to them. Stargates were always on this planet. kartkówka is a group of fallen angelics who have been bred here on this planet. There were a small group of them who were permitted to get back into human form.

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kartkowka kartkowkikartkowka kartkowki
Joined: February 22nd, 2021
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