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Features of the Best Online Exam Platform

Features of the Best Online Exam Platform

When required of reassessment before an examination, Online Exam Platform can be the best solution. The platform should be able to provide an easy, simple and quick login or registration system that should be made hassle-free. The login facility should be secured and it should be able to provide un-encryption of the information easily. The platform can be customized for different age groups, College graduates, and even corporate recruitment.

If one is looking for the best Online Exam Platform then one should note the following features

1. It should be such a cloud-based learning system that is designed to provide a good and integrated online learning facility that should also contain an option to create the patterns and order of the questions as well.

2. It should be able to take a plethora of assessment at one go, say for example hundreds of candidates appearing in a particular examination simultaneously.

3. The graphical user interface should be so simple that even a layman can handle the technical issues efficiently. The navigation system should allow the user to create any format of test that could be related to any topic.

4. The platform should be so quick that it should be able to create the online test in minutes and save it over the cloud for easy retrieval by the users.

5. It should contain an amplified amount of questions so that the examiner does not have to request online developers for more questions

6. It should contain various pre-installed questions for the various types of examiners who are looking for an assessment of different subjects

7. The capacity to customize the test according to the requirement of the student. In that case, there should be a good team who could design the questions according to the standard required by the examinee.

8. It should be able to strengthen the capacity of the student to handle the more stress rather than testing their knowledge

9. It should have such a disciplinary function that doesn’t allow the candidate to cheat during the test so that they could get an authentic and accurate test result.

10. It should provide a good analysis of the candidate’s performance during the test. This should help them to locate the area that requires more preparation

11. Generating and exporting the result should be very easy.

12. Online Exam Platform should be able to provide a smooth flow of the information for the candidate to learn something new. It should also be able to inform the students about the detailed and appropriate methodologies that could enhance their skills and competence.

13. In case of any complication, there should be a team that could handle the situation and provide immediate support. If the online facility doesn’t work then the telephone facility should be available that could help them to understand the complications better.

14. It should be able to be accessed by a plethora of devices irrespective of whether it is a phone, tablet or a computer. It could be accessible anywhere, anytime anyplace.

15. It should be able to incorporate the other features of audio and video to act as an aid in conducting the test.

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Joined: June 16th, 2018
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