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Child & Youth Counselling | your story counselling
Children and youth who are experiencing social, emotional and/or relationship difficulties will benefit from our Child and Youth Counseling Program. Counselors believe that all children and youth need connections with family or other positive role models - individual therapy, couple relational therapy, family therapy

Do I have Trauma? Most Canadians Have Experienced Trauma, But there is Hope
Most Canadians have experienced a traumatic event. In fact, according to Statistics Canada (2021), that number is closer to two-thirds of Canadians. The source of trauma varies and can include child abuse, violence, sexual assault, intimate partner. - individual therapy, couple relational therapy, family therapy

Insecure-Avoidant Attachment | Canada
Insecure-avoidant attachment is characterized by children who are uncomfortable with closeness and intimacy with others. These children tend to be distant from their caregivers and may avoid physical contact with them. - individual therapy, couple relational therapy, family therapy

Unlocking Our Happy Chemicals: 4 Neurotransmitters and 7 Activities to help you
The brain is an incredibly complex organ that is responsible for regulating our mood, thoughts and behavior. One of the most important chemical systems in the brain that helps regulate our mood is the "happy chemical" system. - individual therapy, couple relational therapy, family therapy

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